
(Become) an Enterprise DBA

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I got in at 9 AM, and found an empty spot in the back of the room between two fellow DBA's. I said good morning. Only the guy on my left responded with a similar gesture. I felt a bit awkward as this was my first day amongst this many computer scientists nerds ever. I did not know what to expect, but at least I expected people to say "Hello" or "Good morning". I felt astranged, asking myself: "Am I also like this?". I know I am not, because my friends repeatedly tell me I am overly social. I have got quite reserved feelings about what they mean when they say this, but at least I say "Hello". This was my first morning at SQLbits. Not knowing what to expect, and…
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SQLbits: A day with Brent Ozar and his talk about performance tuning when you can’t fix queries

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*Beep beep*: my alarm clock. Whoat!? 8 AM already? I thought I had it set to 7:45. Bollocks. Now I have to hurry for the one class I did not want to miss this weekend. My alarm clock was set too late and although I streamlined my routine for this morning - had my bag packed, ready to go - I still had to shower. Anyway, I thought showering would be the civilized way to go. When I entered the convention center I found "her", the only pretty girl about my age,  already there, sitting in one of the best spots. I was left with a spot next to an indian guy who had a cold so couldn's stop coughing through the presentation. If you stop hearing from me after this,…
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